Case Management

Driving you away from the influence

DriveX believes in the true purpose of case management wherein our program helps individuals with Drug and Alcohol abuse problems. Our case management services are available for every individual who is experiencing issues or relapses related to drugs and alcohol. Individuals who seek case management support can contact us and one of our case managers will help you evaluate your needs, strengths, and set the right goals to resolve your Drug & Alcohol problems.

Case Management answers your questions after you've been tested positive for Drug and Alcohol Abuse. As Third-Party Administrators, we work closely with various organizations to facilitate Substance Abuse Assessments. Our services are aligned with a wide network in Canada for Substance Abuse Professional Assessments (SAP), wherein it helps provide individuals with Drug and Alcohol problems or addictions through high-quality services in every location or area.

We help companies or employers make an SAP assessment wherein employers can make informed decisions for employees to return to work under safe conditions.

RTD, Unannounced Testing, and Follow-ups

As part of the case management process and services, Substance Abuse Professional Assessments recommends Return to Duty, Follow-up testing, and other tests to make sure an employee does not relapse. These tests are customized based on your requirements, but it is recommended that follow-up dates be casual or unplanned with minimal employee realization. At DriveX, we do create bespoke schedules for employers or carrier companies to process the Follow-up testing so that they remain cognizant about regulations or agreements

An employee will stay off-work until Return to Duty has not been recommended by SAP. The recommendations from SAP do not have a time-limit, and cannot predict turnarounds times for follow-up testing recommendations. At DriveX, we suggest putting up periodic follow-ups for individuals during the program. We will determine if employees are actively participating & following the recommendations demonstrated by the SAP.

We make sure periodic reports are sent to employers with crucial updates on an individual's progress during the program.